Planning Helpline

Plan Research clients obtained planning permission for a house on this rural site

Some people need an answer to a specific town planning query, but might not be ready to engage a consultant to manage the case on their behalf. The Plan Research fixed-fee appraisal service, costing £150, can provide the answer. The advice offered covers all types of town and country planning and enforcement matters. Clients of this service are provided with a written opinion outlining our professional and independent advice on their cases.

It has become increasingly difficult to obtain free advice from local councils in England on planning matters. Most planning authorities now charge fees for informal discussions and pre-application opinions, charges which can run into hundreds of pounds. Unfortunately, pre-application advice obtained from the Council is not binding on the local authority, and will not necessarily consider your point of view as a local resident or investor.

We recommend obtaining impartial and independent advice from a Chartered Town Planner before approaching the relevant local authority with your case. With decades of professional experience to rely on, Plan Research can advise you on the approach to take with the best chance of success.

If you need advice before investing in land or buildings, commenting on a planning application, completing an appeal form, understanding an enforcement notice or deciding whether a project requires planning permission, Plan Research can help.

To contact Plan Research, please phone our local rate number 0845 508 3085.